Support for Women
We provide support services designed for Women only, Magic Life now offers two dedicated homes that are managed and staffed by females.
Experience has taught us that there is a need for a dedicated service that ensures a safe and warm environment for the needs of females that cover a range of health needs.
A Person-Centred Approach
We apply person-centred principles to all support services, which include:
- Brief Interventions
- Solution-focused therapy
- Engaging with external substance misuse agencies
- In-house and external activities
- Help with maintaining tenancies
- Help with social integration
- Financial advice
- Social and Life skills development
- Maintaining and developing healthy relationships
Our Supported Living Pathways
Our services are tailored to an individual’s needs. It’s how we can most effectively encourage and empower individuals while providing all the support they need. Every individuals journey is underpinned by a comprehensive Support and Goal plan that they play an active role in defining.
"Thank you again for assessing I thought the placement and support on offer were of a high standard and it’s good to see providers doing amazing work with young people with complex needs."
Anastasia Saunders Adult Social Care – Mental Health & Substance Misuse North Team
Our Team
Our highly professional team are committed to providing care and support that’s appropriate for the individual’s needs.
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Call our team on 020 8826 4348. To arrange an assessment.